What the hell is going on with spam these days ?
I get that everyone and their mother wants to sell me knock-off viagra and vallium, but I don't understand how the little poems/rantings/random thoughts at the end are supposed to help...
Here are a few gems from this week:
-Look, I said, having enough of this and very much needing a few
questions answered. Could you please try Esperanto? That good, old,
simple intergalactic second language Esperanto.
(intergalactic, eh ? so THAT's why all the different races on Star Trek could understand each other...)
-Do not wear out your welcome Misery loves company What boots up must come down. Trust is the mother of deceit When distrust enters in at the foregate, love goes out at the postern
(What boots up must come down ? As a colleague of mine put it, there's Microsoft's new motto !)
-Bow-wow. What do you mean `bow-wow? I gasped aloud. What is this repulsive
(Maybe this one actually does belong in a viagra ad...)
-The red-furred hand was heavy on Jims shoulder-but it did not bother
Now you understand, Iron John said, newfound warmth in his voice.
(Ok, I'm sold--I'll take enough vallium to be unconscious for whatever's about to happen...)